
What to expect and how to best advocate for your client after they are admitted to a SNF.

February 5, 2016 — Important information for Geriatric Care Managers – What to expect and how to best advocate for your client after they are admitted to a SNF. Having worked in skilled nursing as a social worker and assistant administrator before beginning my own care management business, the following are some ideas on how to best cope with what may feel like the chaos of a very busy environment. Unfortunately nursing homes have trended over the last decade to an escalation in regulations while funding has decreased often leading to a depleted social work staff. Staff are often so busy completing tasks related to regulations that communication often suffers. Yet for geriatric care managers communication is critical to our understanding and advocating for our clients. Persistence is essential and not personalizing, taking offense, if there is initially a lack of response from SNF staff in your efforts to reach them.

Ocean Sound Breathing Meditation – Tool for the Aging Life Care Manager Tool Box

November 10, 2015 — Holistic Aging Life Care Management in Pittsburgh PA  Ujjayi breathing is a breathing technique often used in meditation.  Because of the way the breath sounds as you inhale and exhale, it is commonly known as ocean sound breathing meditation.  This technique is both calming and balancing, and can make you feel more energized!  It’s a... Read More