
Member Spotlight – Mary Petrizzo

Please welcome Mary Petrizzo of Compassionate Care for Seniors. Mary is a new member of ALCA, and she practices in Montgomery County, Maryland.

Prior to joining ALCA, Mary practiced for 30 years in Gerontological Social Work – as a hospital discharge planner, and in adult daycare, home care and hospice work. She is currently working in a practice with two social workers and two RNs.

Passionate about how to help older adults with moderate income who don’t qualify for county programs, and don’t have the resources for private duty or assisted living care, Mary joined ALCA in hopes of networking and problem solving with fellow colleagues. She considers her areas of expertise to be placement, dementia, hospice, and resource navigation.

Mary enjoys family time with her four kids and two dogs. She enjoys kayaking, yoga and swimming.  Mary may be contacted at

Welcome to ALCA, Mary!

Categories: Member Spotlight